Monday, 25 January 2010

Homosexuality for Homophobiacs

Of course, we all know its a big big social taboo out here but, homophobia is different. Have you seen people literally scared to be quoted a homosexual, people who avoid the third gender and transsexuals as if they were creatures from hell or few others who religiously take it upon themselves that homosexuality is a sin and never leave a chance to criticize and ridicule others with diverse sexualities? These people are naturally ignorant and barely educated and may hold high literary achievements but, all in vain.

Heterosexual people may be understood.But, Medical Science also recognizes that many homosexuals are homophobiacs and frankly speaking a big bunch of homophobiacs are not strictly straight. Not strictly straight implies that these people may either be bi-curious, bisexuals or homosexuals or another common breed of humans who have had homosexual encounters once in the past and feel guilty about it.

Little can be done about men and women who are straight. To them its a view, an opinion or about prejudices. But, this article discusses Homosexual Homophobia which is very widespread. Look at this data from Alfred Kinsey's study which found that 46% of male population agreed to have sexual interests and reported to having reacted sexually to both the sexes, 37% voted to have participated in a bisexual activity and 4% agreed to be living as homosexuals or bisexuals openly in the society (as pairs). Further more the study indicated that 13% of human population in spite of ethnicity is homosexual in nature. Now, the funny part: another study was carried out by different methods by sect of scientists and doctors who felt the report exaggerated homosexuality in society and guess what, this study reached the same figures and in fact, at places exceeding the numbers indicated by Alfred Kinsey.

But, the point is, why out of the 37% bisexuals and 13% homosexuals, only 4% live their true identities? The answer lies in the majority which is straight and the responsibility lies with the 43% of bi-curious population that live secret sexual fantasies but, criticize homosexuality in public. Here I leave you with a wonderful thought.


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